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cauliflower & porcini veloute & zero waste
Anyone asking what (a) Velouté is? – I doubt many, if any, but I’ll lead in with it’s definition, Velouté is (actually) a sauce made with a stock, chicken, veal or fish, thickened with egg yolk or a roux.
I ordered the cauliflower & porcini mushroom velouté for my appetizer at a better than usual French restaurant when location scouting in Durham, NC. It was REALLY Good. I knew then & there, “I’d be making that in my house”/ EVillage apartment.

resounding new orleans
I’m totally sentimental this weekend having spent much of the winter looking forward to taking this week off to get thee to the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival this weekend. I had even lined up friends to loan me dress up gear, a boa, a mask, hat, dress, make-up etc. I was dreaming to get all decked out in purple, yellow & green, I was even looking forward to standing in line to gobble up some Crawfish Monica.

super nutritious - nut loaf
A friend who bought a half dozen bottles of my RhODy blend of Salt of D Earth as holiday gifts wrote to say, “That Salt of D Earth RhODy blend really pulled my nut loaf together.” I wrote back immediately saying, “NUT LOAF, what do you mean nut loaf? How have I never heard of a nut loaf? You’ve gotta talk me through this one.” Within minutes she texted back saying that she’s never used a recipe to make a nut loaf & she’s been making them for years but she did include a link for a recipe in her text none the less.